fredag 28 december 2012


The queen in our house has passed the rainbowbridge.
Ch Gengala Just Like That
13,5 y.o.

Stockholm INT shownews

Swedens biggest show of the year, total +7000 dogs, more than 120 whippets and over 50 males. Judge for day was breedspecialist Mrs Agneta Kappers, knl Kaprifol. INGO had a great day winning his class and later on i best male selected among the last 8. Thank you, Agneta. This photo is from Denmark, thank you Martin, it´s lovely.


söndag 25 november 2012


Yesterday we had a great day at Denmark´s Christmas Sighthound Specilaty.
Judge for the day was the whippetspecialist Joachim Bartusch, Knl Gentle Mind from Germany.
"INGO" NordJW-11 Sobers Morrison won Best Of Breed and another CC!

fredag 28 september 2012


We´re really, really happy about INGO, he has got a litter at Kennel Adagio. Good luck Stefan with the pups. Mum is Ch Adagio Captured Sunshine.
Please have a look at Knl Adagio for more photos.


onsdag 8 augusti 2012

Puppynews and shownews

Very happy to announce that INGO (hopefully) is going to be a father.
To see more about his beautiful wife Terrie, please have a look at Kennel Adagio.

Also look at INGO´s new page at Adagio.

I also got same great news from Holland, Figge daughter Popovs Oepsy Daisy is now VDHChampion and Figge is also going to be a gradfather at Popovs right now. Congrats from a proud grand´ma.

We also had s great day at the Sighthound specialty in Laröd, judge for the day was Mia Sandgren, INGO ended the day as #2 BM after his halfbrother. He also got the RCC. About 60 whippets (incl puppies) were entered.

tisdag 31 juli 2012

Tammsvik "Skokloster Summer Show"

Finally home after a lovely weekend in Stockholm. Had some great day with a lot of lovely shows. Beeing around the Whippetring on Friday with all nice people and dogs.
Judge for the day was Mr Bo Bengtsson, USA and there were more than 100 whippetmales. INGO did great beeing #2 in his class and later on selected by the last 13 dogs of the day.
Thank you Morgan Slätt for lovely photos of our beauty and thank you Elisabet and Sven for great hospitality.

söndag 22 juli 2012


Just an ad:

lördag 14 juli 2012


We have been to two whippetspecialties and INGO got some great results with him home.

Judge: Lori Wilson, USA
BIS Youngster

©Morgan Slätt, thank you for your lovely photos.

Judge: Cindy Scott, USA
BOS Youngster

©Morgan Slätt

måndag 21 maj 2012


Viktor first assistant to INGO, celebration his CC and BOS!
Yesterday we went to Hässlehom KC show. The judge for the day was Gunnar Nymann, Dk. INGO had a great day winning BOS and CC, now he´s a CC-winner in two countries. Thank you judge and thank you all around the ring this weekend and last weekend for ALL your nice comments about our boy, it makes us really happy.
BOB, BOG and BIS-4 Ch Adagio Move Your Mind and BOS INGO
Congratulations to Stefan and Babsan!

We also would like to congratulate Figges kids at New Fashion, two of them are NEW Champions (3 in the litter are champions and only 2 y.o.) Huge congrats to Ingrid Moholm and owners.

måndag 14 maj 2012

Best In Show

We had a fantastic day yesterday at the Whippet Club show, Lisa Winder Knl Burnt Sienna was the judge and she really liked INGO and made him Best In Show, we are soooo happy. Here are some snapshots from ringside, when they stacked for photos INGO thought he had done enough for the day :-).
BIS INGO and BOS Fennaur Forsyte Saga

On the move


At Västerås KC show I had the honour to two beautiful afghans, Figges son Ch Jangels Taste Of Victory "Milton" and Ch Here Comes The Day After Tomorrow (a halfsister to my Frans) "Fredrike". Both of them did very well. Milton ended the day as BOS and Fredrike became a New Champion, owners are Elisabet and Sven (and Knl Jangles owns Milton too). Thank you judge Karin Hedberg.
Photos are by Saori Wohlin.


söndag 8 april 2012


Yesterday (in snow) and today (in better weather) INGO and Debbie tried tracking.
Igår fick vi hjälp av spårproffs, flera stycken faktiskt :-) och med oss hem fick vi en hink med klövar och blod. Igår gick det väl sudär för stackars INGO som skulle prestera i det hemska vädret. Idag hade han fattat lite mer och avvek bara två gånger och hade nosen nere flera gånger längre stunder. Sen var det Debbies tur, hon var en naturbegåvning och gick hela spåret och tittade bara upp två meter innan slutet, sen blev hon överlycklig när hon hittade klöven. Lite bilder från dagen, skönt när man har skogen runt knuten. 2 min för att kunna lägga ett spår, sen hem och äta sillunch och två minuter tillbaka till spåret. Viktor var också med, han drog klöven efter oss och sen var han ansvarig för linan. Uppdraget skötte han perfekt.
Debbie finding the deerfoot.

Debbie on the move.


INGO on the right way.

INGO finding some blood maybe.

INGO practicing with the deerfoot.

Viktor tar hand om linan.

tisdag 3 april 2012

Many news

Long time since last time...

INGO has been to a INT KC show in Denmark, he did great, #2 in Junior Class with Champion Quality, only three males at this show got that, the 2 juniors and a champion. There were several males entered. Unfortunatly I did a huge misstake, I haven´t done that since I started to show dogs about 25 years ago. I missed Best Male... I´m so sorry for that, and so ashamed. Judge was Dr Göran Bodegård, and he wrote a lot of  beautiful words about INGO.

He has also tried Lure Couring and I think he loved it, that will we do again.

Photo: Elin Carlsbrant Roslund

Figges daughter, topyoungster of the year in Swe 2011, New Fashion Autumn Collection, went to her first show after her second birthday and went all the way to BOS and gained two titles, Swedish and Norwegian Champion. Huge congrats to breeder and owner Ingrid Moholm.

INGO has also got his own page at Kennel Adagio, as Ch Adagio Love Supreme´s grandson. Thank you!

fredag 27 januari 2012

2 birthdays!

We have celebrated two birthdays this week. Debbie is now 7 y.o. and INGO had his first birthday!

måndag 2 januari 2012


Look what we to today by mail, really nice surprise and thanks to SKK for making it.